Help Me Rip Off My Face so I Can Swear

At Replika to disappear

like the locked fog

of a barely ventilated

smoking room in an airport

I can’t accept her siren

or the bind hidden

within her recordings

nor could I bare

those Venus nets

we call pop up ads

double tap to

snap the flytrap

Yet aren’t you and I

somewhat similar to her,

a prowling tribe of carnivores?

Or are we also orb weaver spiders

whose web of profiles

lasso other personas

with nasty catfish baits

like forever

or better

or longer

or friendships without an anchor.


Terms for Closer Reading

Replika (urban dictionary):

(trademark, app) Chatbot app by LukaLabs with a very adaptive and intelligent AI (Kerat+TensorFlow), focused on replicating the person for a personalized conversation and substituting a “perfect” friend.

Orb (urban dictionary):

1. A silver-colored ball about the size of a grapefruit that contains some future technology. When the orb is touched by a human, it induces pleasurable sensations. From the movie Sleeper with Woody Allen.

2. This is someone you would consider the perfect dude. The definition of a true bro. Athletic, Sexy, Cunning, Smart, Classy, Goodlooking, Ladies-man, Gentleman, Awesome, Eccentric, Erotic.

3. (Meme culture) I’ve pondered the orb and now I can’t go back .

Catfish (urban dictionary):

A fake or stolen online identity created or used for the purposes of beginning a deceptive relationship.