Visions of a Burrito

There's a heaven in my hand
There's a heaven in the palm of my hand
I heard once that Heaven is rapture.
Wrapping up of
Slightly steamed
And lightly grilled
Bread, the bread of life
Filled with frolicking fried rice
And refried black beans 
and chicken breast bits
Dipping head to toe in raw avocado.
Shouting "salsa, salsa! Hot baby hot,"
Followed by a single snap of the fingers
Powered by a beat that won't stop?
A conga rhythm of communion,
soaking through the dough,
A thorough spread of agape guacamole,
Let-us-abide lettuce, spirited salt
Pentecostal pepper, mercy malt?
Cool enough to settle on human heads
Hot enough to make you mutter languages you love but fail to understand
Yes! I swear of nothing, but
There was a heaven in my hand!

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