Water 💦 Slicer Song

i deserve neither birth nor childhood, in fact 
anne frank would've donated all her diary
entries to have had half of my mornings.

i expel half-life thoughts and halfway days,
no more pitifully selfish fission reactions, rather
share with me your gloriously expressive fusion.

my breath resists calculators and spreadsheets
no division signs can sever drops of water from
each other, nor can coins extinguish fountains

i cherish here and now unapologetically. 
i too have the best of time and space, soaking in magnitude like a max richter scale, 
ever racing and daring like a whizzing kite.


Can one even sing a new song?
Easy data access yet so hard to express
anything distinctive that's also honest.
I matter or I don't, which is correct?

Maybe I am an atom, whose mass is 
too small to exert any pull. 
No matter, I will compose to shower 
light, dainty static sparks that could 
outlive dark, weighty clotheslines. 
My daydream is to become lost in translation.
That terrain of ecstasy where meaning meanders from felt sensation to pixels and pencil dust.

Euphemisms are Roundabouts

Honesty is hula-hooping while
being barefooted on a cold lawn;
Stretching truth is easier than shaking your hips to match the spinning top tempo of the world.
Lying is like blushing at a laundromat.
It starts as a knee-jerk reaction to stress, then becomes a long-legged agent that discolours many cycles of fabrication.
Directness is knowing how to dodge
red herrings and when to ram the point.