Hagia Sophia

Spirituality is a chance 
for a spark to surf
through a spiral.
I'm a pagan but I would pay 
to preserve stained windows and
Arabic motifs, both of which 
exude precious patterns.
Zoom in on my pupils, and 
watch their playfully wild sparks,
kindled fiery tendencies that 
automatically refine real virtues.
Solitude loans me twin gifts—
my grand tininess near sacred 
spaces and my pulsing interest 
in guarding the holy libraries:
be they Latin or Pali,
verses or sutras,
canons or Ramayanas.

Milky Way Quartet Returns

To hate ABBA is to hate inhaling.
Which sane lover of liveliness 
can reject milk and honey? 
to rejoice in their counterpoint is
to honour the milky way galaxy.
40 years of wondering
are tapped on the shoulder 
by a rebirth of stellar avatars. 
They're a fusion of then 
and now like a solar core.
I will shout from any rooftop for you
I will groove for half an hour for you
I will raise my glass of tears for you
As you make wine from my teardrops
O Bjorn, Agneta, Benny and Frida.

Laughter After A Jinx Sneeze


Who dares explain our laughter to us?
I refresh myself, as you refresh yourself,

leaning back my head to laugh out loud with you
at the explainers and at the open naked skies,

let’s watch that arena of night horizon
while tracking the shooting stars

breath upon breath, sigh upon sigh, 
recycle your lung bicycles,

mount your heartbeat pedals with me,
cycle on and on and off.

3, 2, 1

You! Triple-headed human
hear the wounded wail of the loon
Cerberus, notice nature and her rare haunting
grounds within your internal territories,
You! Double-chambered human
tremble beneath the weight of decision
and indecision, pump and blend unruly reflexes
into a spontaneous dynamo of plucky will
You! Single iceberg of seen and hidden complexes,
peaks of which melt and float, freeze and sink,
once the best of you interrupts the worst of you,
gratefully embrace the pause of ill will.

Grass is Sweet Tinnitus

T-boned by a carjacker
who had overdosed on opium,
I rolled over, as shearing forces shredded
my stomach walls into vulnerable straw;

​My raw extremities were bereft
of an outstretched finger which
has always been frescoed but
is now intangible to me.

Frisking the sidewalk for an anchor, my fingers
ended up dog-earing leaves of grass, whose roots
nourished my bone marrows like filtrated milk.
Walt Whitman is why my stylus bleeds daily and I don't.

His free verses of himself grafted my limbs
to my own trunk without any yoking charges;
Whitman is the wanderlust of weathered hands,
All who adore outdoor air walk on his open road.

His phrases shielded my brains 
from a blitzkrieg of rubrics which wrung
awe by cutting branches of curiosity 
into wrongs and rights to climb;
His songs boomerang like 
the rings of Saturn, whose Olympic 
range exceeds the bar of every 
ladder, ruler, and graduated cylinder.


I don't want to argue with anyone anymore
about ethics or apologetics,
even though ogling those spicy debates is fun.

No more locking horns with anybody about afterlife theories,
Yes to drowning in cute kitten videos, if those activities were my only options.

At. The. Moment. is the currency
I refuse to exchange.
How you wait in line matters far more
than how hard you try to convert me.

Your ATM behaviour takes the cake
on and off camera
in and out of airplanes
up and down the aisles
of Wal-Marts and gown vows.

Street Magic

no card deck is required to shuffle people around a vendor's stand;
see, a merchant can mesmerize passer-by via sleight of scent alone;
any sorcerer of flavor worth his or her salt knows
how tightly noses hold the reins of the brain;

We like to think our choice of food is free of influence,
yet one whiff of a choice Thai curry can flip the script;
for aroma is a red cape that waves customers where it wishes
while a street vendor flips the cape as Matador of our senses.